Ben’s story
Ben lived with his parents until the age of 14, he was academically gifted and had an excellent attendance record, although was described as quite withdrawn by his local mainstream school. He was diagnosed and prescribed with medication for ADHD. Ben experienced quite an unstable family environment and was somewhat ostracised by his parents. Still aged 14, Ben was convicted of a serious sexual assault and served 12 months in a children’s secure unit. He was then referred and admitted to Amberleigh Care aged 15 to complete the remainder of his sentence on licence in the community. Ben’s key profile was as follows:
Unstable family environment
Diagnosed ADHD
Academically gifted
Ostracised at home and school
Convicted perpetrator of sexual abuse
Lack of empathy and ability to build relationships
12 months in children’s secure unit
Ben’s Successful Outcomes:
- A stable 2.5 year placement
- No sexualised acting out behaviours
- Engaged in full time education and achieved qualifications
- Became significant role model to his peers in therapeutic community
- Transitioned to college full time and gained a Distinction in Business Studies Course
- Lived independently within the home for latter part of placement
- Planned transition to fully independent accommodation
- Offered full time apprenticeship in chosen career path
- Ongoing ‘keeping in touch’ contact provided